Career at Mehler

Working at Mehler Elektrotechnik

It is especially important to us to maintain a good working atmosphere and relationship with our employees. Problems are solved together, and successes are celebrated together. Only those who enjoy coming to work and have their tasks will engage and contribute to positive development.

The various departments throughout the production are successfully led by our masters. They are responsible for the smooth operation in the departments. Work preparations and job assignments need to be optimally planned.

The department heads in our company form the backbone of production. To ensure that these responsible positions are filled well in the future, we train young employees in various professions. The education of our young people is very dear to us.

We offer…

Karriere bei Mehler Elektrotechnik

Wir bieten eine sehr abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem international tätigen Familienunternehmen, mit hohem Maß an Selbstständigkeit. Es erwartet Sie bei uns die Mitarbeit in einem engagierten Team, Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sowie zusätzliche Benefits. Sehr gutes und persönliches Arbeitsklima.

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We welcome your unsolicited application, even if there are currently no open positions. Show your initiative and let us know how you can enrich our team.

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For current job openings

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Apprenticeship at Mehler Elektrotechnik

The executive committee of the Upper Austria regional group of the Austrian Economic Association awarded us the "TOP TRAINING COMPANY" designation. In our company, young people are provided with an exemplary education and apprenticeships, enabling a successful entry into the working world. The Upper Austria Economic Association appreciates us for these contributions and the opportunities we offer to our young people for the future. As we operate in the field of electrical engineering and metal technology and conduct research and development within our own company, our employees can continually collaborate on the latest techniques and processes, allowing them to incorporate their ideas.

Currently open apprentice positions

It is important to us to train our apprentices into proper and competent skilled workers. They secure a large part of our future! Every year, we train 8-10 apprentices.

Take a look at our apprenticeship folder

All information summarized about our apprenticeships.

Download apprenticeship folder

Apprenticeship training options:

  • Standard apprenticeship

  • Apprenticeship with Matura

  • Dual academy (for the electrical engineering apprenticeship)

Further information on the Dual Academy

Apprentice training

In cooperation with the Steyrland Initiative, we would like to take the opportunity to offer our apprentices the option of further training in various workshops on a voluntary basis every year.

The topics covered include:

  • The role of the individual as a representative of our company

  • Promoting entrepreneurial thinking among apprentices

  • Taking responsibility

  • Reflection on personal boundaries

Our contact person for applicants is Melanie Mehler

from 7.00 am to 11.00 am
+43 (0) 7253 8225 124

Lange Gasse 3,
4493 Wolfern

Trial days available throughout the year

Start of apprenticeship: 2nd week of August